Why You Should Hire an Electrician Before Planning Your Demolition Project

Demolishing part of your home so you can have renovation work done is not something to be taken lightly. There are a great number of potential hazards, not to mention the irreparable or extremely costly damage you could do to the structure of the house.

Because demolition projects can be expensive, however, you might be strongly considering doing it yourself instead of hiring a contractor, despite the risks. If this is the route you're taking, you probably already know that you'll need to do a great deal of planning and reading up on how to do the work safely.

What you should also know is that it's impossible to avoid hiring contractors altogether. In particular, you're going to need a knowledgeable electrician — and here's why you should hire one early on.

They can prevent disaster

The fact of the matter is that you're highly unlikely to know where in the walls all of your electrical wiring is located and whether there's any elsewhere. The dangers of this when you begin demolition work should be obvious.

If you hire an electrician early on in the planning stage, they can find all the wiring and arrange to disconnect it safely. When that's done, you can begin demolishing confidently.

They can help shape your plans

When you're demolishing part of your home for an extension or renovation, you're going to need new wiring put in. This can affect your options for building, and it might change some of your plans.

Consulting an electrician before you begin planning means you can go ahead more smoothly, understanding how the power supply will fit into your work.

They will make sure you have power for your demolition

Depending on the extent of your planned demolition, there's a chance you'll have to disconnect your electricity supply. At the very least, you may need to work far away from parts of the house with power.

Your electrician can give you advice on ways to keep your tools and equipment powered during the project and should be able to help you.

They help you comply with the law

Even if you've only begun to briefly look at the legal requirements of demolition work, you've probably realised what a hassle it all is.

Electricians are knowledgeable on the legal aspects of their work, so they can help make sure you're operating legally. Using a licensed electrician is likely to be a requirement for any relevant work, too, so find a good one early and you won't need to worry.
