Do You Know the Benefits of Fitting a Tubular Skylight?

Tubular skylights, which are sometimes referred to as solar tubes, consist of a small dome that sits above the roofline and a highly reflective tube that attaches to it and transfers the light caught by the dome indoors.

They might sound rather odd, but tubular skylights actually come with a number of compelling benefits. Here are just a few reasons why you should strongly consider fitting one.

Sunlights Without Limits

The most obvious example that comes with fitting a tubular skylight is that they can bring daylight to almost any part of the home. Where skylights need to be built along the roofline and regular windows need to be built into walls that contain both an interior and exterior wall, tubular skylights work without limits.

The tube used doesn't have to be particularly long, and it can be easily worked around pipes and attic fixtures. You can bring sunlight to a room with no windows, including such small areas as closets and hallways. You can also direct them into key points; for example, above where you like to read each night.

Reduced Energy Bills

The energy savings associated with tubular skylights are rarely high enough to be reason alone for people to fit one. After all, you'll still be faced with the initial costs, and it's likely to take quite a long time to recoup that cost. Be that as it may, it's nice to know that you'll be lowering your utility bills each month by not having to turn on the lights as much. Of course, the fact that you won't have to use as much energy lighting your home is also great from an environmental point of view.

Easy and Inexpensive to Fit

While it's certainly fair to mention the upfront cost of fitting a tubular skylight, people are often amazed by just how affordable they can be. In fact, these tubular skylights are often less costly than traditional skylights. It makes sense when you think about it, since they require less construction work and aren't nearly as large as traditional skylights. You can usually have one fitted in a single day.

Optional Features

Many tubular skylights don't stop at the benefits listed above, with several handy features letting you get the most from your model. You can have your tubular skylight fitted with an electrical lighting system to let you use it as an additional light fixture during the evening; this is actually better than using a standard light since the reflective tubing makes things brighter. Dimmers can let you adjust the amount of daylight entering, and heat-capturing panels can be added to bring heat as well as light into the home.
